TEL: 86 13572601112

       Chenggu County Qunlikang Chinese herbal medicine Co., Ltd. was established in February 2010, the registered capital of 23.8 million yuan, is located in 

the Sanhe green food and medicine industrial park, currently in the park has been built in the Chinese herbal medicine automated production line, in the 

town of Sanhe built three raw materials reserves of Chinese herbal medicine and processing plant. The company is a scientific and technological enterprise 

integrating ecological restoration, soil treatment, modern seed industry of Chinese herbs, processing and extraction of Chinese herbs, development of 

Chinese herbs traceability platform and promotion of Chinese herbs technology. The company operates in the mode of "Company + Cooperative + Base + 

Farmers", acquiring and processing more than 1,200 tons of Yuanhu and more than 700 tons of appendicia annually on average, and establishing long-term 

and stable cooperative relationship with more than 40 domestic pharmaceutical enterprises for the excellent quality of the processed Chinese herbal 

medicinal materials, appendicia tablets and Yuanhu tablets. Now, we have established a test base of 80 acres of Radix et Rhizoma Pinelliae and a cultivation 

base of 110 acres of Radix et Rhizoma Pinelliae, and planted about 2,300 acres of Radix et Rhizoma Pinelliae and Radix et Rhizoma Pinelliae in 4 townships of

Chenggu, Nanzheng, Yangxian, and Xixiang in a cooperative way, and our base has been selected by the Department of Agriculture and the Administration 

of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Shaanxi Province as a "Shaanxi Province Roadside Herb Cultivation Base". The company was honored as "Mass 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Base" by Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology and "Demonstration Unit of Hanzhong 

National Agricultural Science and Technology Park" by Hanzhong National Agricultural Science and Technology Park. In order to further extend the industrial 

chain and enhance the added value, the company benchmarks the needs of the international and domestic traditional Chinese medicine market, takes the 

traditional Chinese medicine market as the guidance, serves the society and makes profit for the purpose, plans precisely and focuses on "one main line" 

(driving the technological innovation of the traditional Chinese medicine industry), "two key points" (carrying out the technological innovation of the 

traditional Chinese medicine industry) and "two key points" (carrying out the technological innovation of the traditional Chinese medicine industry). "(carrying 

out basic research on "seed project" and introducing technological innovation results),

       Three important entry points" (i.e., construction of science and technology demonstration bases, construction of origin processing bases, construction of 

quality traceability and sales platform), "five important links" (i.e., breeding of excellent seeds and seedlings, development of quality standards for high-quality 

medicinal herbs, integrated pest control, production and marketing), and "five important links" (i.e., breeding of excellent seeds and seedlings, development 

of quality standards for high-quality medicinal herbs, integrated pest control, production and marketing). Product quality control, brand incubation

       (i.e., breeding of excellent seeds and seedlings, development of quality standards for high-quality herbs, integrated pest control, product quality control, 

and brand incubation), upgrading agricultural planting and breeding, accelerating the development of processing industry, expanding sales, and promoting 

R&D, so as to empower high-quality economic and social development of the local region. And through "a platform, a standard, a system" construction. That 

is: Chinese herbal medicine quality traceability platform; base through the national GAP certification to achieve a standard; and gradually establish the 

popularization of science service system, planting good medicine, output good medicine, selling good medicine, to create the "Qin medicine" brand version 4.0.